Rishabh Pant, India’s wicketkeeper-batter, has revealed that he feared that his right leg might have to amputated after he somehow survived a near fatal crash in December 2022. Notably, Pant was driving from Delhi to his hometown Roorkee and wanted to surprise his mother for New Year celebrations when his car lost control and crashed into the divider. Such was the extent of his injuries that Pant has still not been able to recover completely and get back on the cricket field, 13 months since that horrific crash.
In a new revelation from that accident, Pant said that there was a possibility that his leg might have had to be amputated which is what left him frightened. However, fortunately that did not happen and the Delhi Capitals (DC) star is back on his feet and has started training and is now looking to make a comeback into competitive cricket.
“If there was any nerve damage, there was a possibility of amputation. That is when I felt scared,” Pant said in a recent episode of Star Sports series ‘Believe: To Death & Back’ which shows his journey from the night of the accident to his surprisingly but pleasantly quick recovery.
“I had taken an SUV, but what I was seeing was a sedan,” he said talking about his damaged vehicle.
Injuries Could Have Been Even More Serious: Rishabh Pant
Pant recalled the initial moments after the car crash and said that his knee had dislocated which left him in a lot of pain.
“There was someone around so I asked if he could help getting the leg back in the position. He helped the knee get back in place,” he remembered.
“It was the first time I had such a feeling in life. At the time of the accident, I was aware of the wounds, but I was lucky as it could have been even more serious,” he said.
Pant was initially treated in Dehradun before being air lifed to Mumbai and receiving treatment under the supervision of BCCI’s empanelled doctor Dinshaw Pardiwala.