Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, known for his love for cricket, showcased a lighter side as he tried his hand at the traditional Indian game ‘gilli danda’ at an MP sports festival in Ashoknagar district of Madhya Pradesh. Sharing a video of the game on X on Monday, he expressed the joy of playing ‘gilli-danda’ and invited others to give it a try.
“I have played a lot of cricket, today I had a lot of fun playing ‘gilli-danda’,” Scindia mentioned, urging people to attempt hitting the ‘gilli’ themselves.
Take A Look At The Video Here:
क्रिकेट तो बहुत खेला, आज गिल्ली डंडा खेलने में मज़ा बहुत आया। आप सब भी ट्राई करके बताइए, आप सब से गिल्ली उड़ी या नहीं…? pic.twitter.com/fJaYUmYk18
— Jyotiraditya M. Scindia (@JM_Scindia) February 5, 2024
‘Gilli-danda’ is a traditional Indian sport popular in rural areas, played with two sticks: a larger one called a danda, used to hit the smaller one, the gilli.
During the event, Scindia praised the enthusiastic performances of children, assuring support for their talent development under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. He affirmed the government’s commitment to providing assistance for the young players to prepare for significant competitions nationally and internationally.
In another X post, Scindia said: “Today the children of Ashoknagar are playing Wushu at the national level and Arshdeep Singh of Guna is a part of the Indian cricket team. This is the potential of the children of our Guna, Ashoknagar. My dream is to see them play in the Olympics.”
आज अशोकनगर के बच्चे वुशू राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर खेल रहे हैँ और गुना के अर्शदीप सिंह भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम का हिस्सा हैँ। यह है हमारे गुना, अशोकनगर के बच्चों की क्षमता। मेरा सपना है कि मैं इन्हें ओलिंपिक खेलते हुए देखूँ।
संजय स्टेडियम, अशोकनगर में आज सांसद खेल महोत्सव के दौरान युवा… pic.twitter.com/zRMFRilLgi
— Jyotiraditya M. Scindia (@JM_Scindia) February 5, 2024
This isn’t the first time Scindia has been seen enjoying traditional games; he was previously spotted playing ‘gilli-danda’ and participating in archery at a Sansad Khel Mahotsav in Jabalpur last year.
In a separate development, Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia responded to an incident at Mumbai airport where passengers were seen having food on the tarmac. He termed the incident unacceptable and disclosed that penalties were imposed on the airline and the airport. Scindia stated that such incidents were unacceptable, and swift action, including penalties, was taken within a short timeframe.
READ | ‘Shameful Incident, Penalties Issued’: Scindia On Passengers Eating On Tarmac At Mumbai Airport