Weeks after Indian women’s team stalwart Harmanpreet Kaur’s verbal spat with umpires in Bangladesh, an identical incident transpired in the Indian men’s domestic cricket when Tamil Nadu player Baba Aparajith was involved in a war of words with the umpire during TNCA club match. The controversy occurred during a first-division Tamil Nadu game between Jolly Rovers CC and Young Stars Cricket Club where Baba Aparajith was getting on 34 and received a delivery by Hari Nishannth that ended up coming in sharply and the ball hit the batter on his pads.
GS Raju who was stationed at short leg grabbed the ball cleanly and then came with a solid appeal and as a result, the umpire gave out. Witnessing this, Aparajith was disappointed and immediately questioned the umpire’s decision. He was spotted having a long chat with the umpires and eventually walked back. While walking back to the dressing room, he was also seen having a verbal spat with the opposition fielder, and umpires had to intervene to separate the two.
‘The Umpire’s decision is final’
Baba Aparajith: Hold my bat! pic.twitter.com/A4Cd6sOV8g
— FanCode (@FanCode) August 9, 2023
Talking about the game, Young Stars Cricket Club was reeling when Aparajith was dismissed/ However, young batter Sai Sudharsan smashed a brilliant 67 runs, helping the side win by four wickets.
Earlier, Harmanpreet Kaur was also involved in a heated exchange with the umpires after she was adjudged LBW in the third ODI between India and Bangladesh. She went on to smash the stumps with her bat and also called the umpires “pathetic” in the post-match presentation. As a result, Kaur was fined 50 percent of her match fees as after being charged with a Level 2 offense and also got three demerit points on her disciplinary record. Harmanpreet was also handed a suspension for two international matches.