It has been a flood of emotions, debates and discussions since the switch in captaincy by Mumbai Indians (MI) ahead of the 2024 edition of the IPL. Rohit Sharma, who led MI to five titles in over 10 seasons, was removed from the leadership role with Hardik Pandya, who returned to the champion side by a trade from the Gujarat Titans replacing him. Rohit is set to play IPL 2024 just as a player and there are doubts over him staying in the MI setup if the mega auction takes place next year.
Speaking to News24, former Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings batter Ambati Rayudu felt that the Mumbai Indians could have waited for a year to change their skipper and this one looks like taken hurriedly. “I think they took the decision in haste. Rohit Sharma should have remained the captain this year and after playing together for a season then [Hardik] leading the side would have been better in my opinion. Rohit is still the Indian captain and I personally feel they (MI) could have waited for one more year,” Rayudu said.
As per Rayudu, Rohit still has a few more years in him as an IPL player and wants to see him playing for Chennai Super Kings in the future, if not MI. “I still think that Rohit can play in the IPL for 5-6 years more and in the future I want to see him playing for CSK. Having played for MI for so many years and won so many titles, if he plays for CSK and wins titles there too, that’d be great,” Rayudu added.
Rohit has been a terrific captain in the IPL, however, he has struggled with the bat in the last seven seasons and the 2024 season could be crucial from the Mumbai Indians and Team India perspective given there’s a T20 World Cup to be played immediately after the cash-rich league.