In an official release, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has confirmed the appointment of Shyama Dey Shaw as a selector in the Women’s selection committee. In addition, VS Thilak Naidu has been named as a selector in the junior cricket committee. The appointments were made on unanimous recommendations made by the Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC), comprising Sulakshana Naik, Ashok Malhotra, and Jatin Paranjape.
While Shaw is a left-handed batter and a medium pace bowler who has donned the Indian colours in three Test matches and five One-Day Internationals (ODIs), she represented Bengal in domestic cricket from 1985 to 1997.
Ms Shaw, a left-handed batter and medium-pace bowler represented India in three Tests and five One-Day Internationals. She first represented Bengal in domestic cricket from 1985 to 1997 and then Railways from 1998 to 2002. She even has a bit of an experience as a selector and has served as the Bengal selector for two terms.
🚨 NEWS 🚨: BCCI announces Women’s Selection Committee & Junior Cricket Committee appointments.
The CAC has unanimously recommended Ms Shyama Dey Shaw and Mr VS Thilak Naidu for the said positions.
More Details 🔽https://t.co/EGKhomrBE1
— BCCI (@BCCI) June 19, 2023
Naidu, on the other hand, is a former wicketkeeper-batter who has played for Karnataka from the 1998-99 season to the 2009-19 season. She was part of the South Zone side in the Duleep Trophy as well as the Deodhar Trophy. He has scored 4386 runs in 93 first-class games. In additionm he has been part of the Selection Committee before, having chaired the KSCA Junior Selection Committee and then going on to serve on the KSCA’s Senior Selection Committee in the 2015-16 season.
Women’s Selection Committee: Neetu David (chairperson), Renu Margrate, Arati Vaidya, Kalpana Venkatachar, Shyama Dey Shaw
Junior Cricket Committee: VS Thilak Naidu (chairperson), Ranadeb Bose, Harvinder Singh Sodhi, Pathik Patel, Krishen Mohan