The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced all the details for the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 with the warm-up fixtures being announced by the International Cricket Council on Wednesday, August 23. BookMyShow will be the only online ticketing platform for the World Cup with ticket sales set to begin on August 24 in a phased manner.
The 2023 edition of the World Cup will feature a total of 58 matches at 12 venues including 10 warm-up matches. The ICC announced the schedule for warm-up matches with all10 teams set top play two games each at three venues in Thiruvananthapuram, Guwahati and Hyderabad. The ticketing for the matches has been broken into 10 phases ranging from non-India World Cup games, non-India warm-up matches to India warm-up matches and venue-wise India’s World Cup matches.
Here’s how and when the tickets can be booked for World Cup 2023-
For Mastercard users:
24th August from 6 PM IST onwards: All Non-India event matches excluding warm-up games
29th August from 6 PM IST onwards: All India matches excluding warm-up games
14th September from 6 PM IST onwards: Semi-Finals and Final
For every other user
25th August from 8 PM IST onwards: Non-India Warm-Up matches and all Non-India event matches
30th August from 8 PM IST onwards: India matches at Guwahati and Trivandrum (vs England on September 30, vs Netherlands on October 3)
31st August from 8 PM IST onwards: India matches at Chennai, Delhi and Pune (vs Australia on October 8, vs Afghanistan on October 11 and vs Bangladesh on October 19)
1st September from 8 PM IST onwards: India matches at Dharamsala, Lucknow and Mumbai (vs New Zealand on October 22, vs England on October 29 and vs Sri Lanka on November 2)
2nd September from 8 PM IST onwards: India matches at Bengaluru and Kolkata (vs Netherlands on October 12 and vs South Africa on November 5)
3rd September from 8 PM IST onwards: India match at Ahmedabad
15th September from 8 PM IST onwards: Semi-Finals and Final
The ticketing for the highly-anticipated India-Pakistan clash will begin on August 29 for Mastercard users and on September 2 for all other users.
Speaking on the ticket sale announcement, BCCI interim CEO Hemang Amin said, “As we approach the highly anticipated ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023, a pinnacle event in this year’s international calendar, we are thrilled to unveil BookMyShow as the ticketing platform. The commencement of online ticket sales marks a pivotal moment in the lead-up to the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023. With unwavering confidence, we anticipate a seamless ticketing experience, aimed at offering fans unobstructed access to the thrilling on-field encounters. Our commitment extends to deploying efficient access control mechanisms and comprehensive support, ensuring every enthusiast has the chance to revel in the live-action spectacle from the stadium stands.”
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