Indian left-arm pacer Chetan Sakariya, who was earlier amongst the players suspected with illegal action in a list made by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), has now been officially removed off it after the apex cricket board admitted that they inserted his name by mistake and have rectified it now. The Saurashtra Cricket Association got involved in this matter and inquired with BCCI regarding the same, Cricbuzz reported.
“It was a sort of miscommunication and error, and Chetan has never been called, and he is not on that list. I understand that the name of a Karnataka bowler should have been there, and the IPL is addressing the issue. The franchises are also being duly informed,” Jaydev Shah (President of the SCA) was quoted as saying by Cricbuzz.
Chetan has previously played IPL for Rajasthan Royals and Delhi Capitals but was earlier released by Delhi Capitals this year. With a base price of 50L, he was expected to be a part of the IPL Auction but his name is not there in the final list of players going under the hammer on December 19.
Chetan Sakariya came off an impressive IPL last year for Rajasthan Royals where he picked 14 wickets in 14 matches, at an economy rate of 8.19 but never picked up the momentum when Delhi Capitals picked him in IPL 2022 as he barely played enough matches, and his stats were 6 wickets in 5 matches over the period of two seasons. Chetan has also one One Day International and two T20I’s under his belt.
BCCI has suspected 7 bowlers for an illegal action but haven’t banned them yet. Tanush Kotian (Mumbai Cricket Association), Rohan Kunnummal (Kerala Cricket Association), Chirag Gandhi (Gujarat Cricket Association), Salman Nizar (Kerala Cricket Association), Saurabh Dubey (Vidarbha Cricket Association), and Arpit Guleria (Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association), feature in the list.
However, Manish Pandey and KL Shrijith, both from the Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA), have been reportedly banned from bowling for the illegal bowling action.