MS Dhoni’s former business partners Mihir Diwakar and his wife Soumya Das have filed a defamation case against the legendary Indian cricket captain in the Delhi High Court. Diwakar and his spouse filed a case against Dhoni and social media platforms and several media platforms seeking a permanent injunction and damages while restraining them from publishing and circulating false and malicious statements against them.
“The defendants be restrained from damaging the reputation of the plaintiffs in relation to the false allegations allegedly made by Dhoni relating to purported illegal gains of Rs 15 crores from him and breach of a 2017 contract,” the complaint by Diwakar and Das said as per a PTI report. The case is set to be heard by the High Court on January 18.
Recently, Dhoni had filed a criminal case against Diwakar and Das accusing them of duping him of INR 16 crore. As per Dhoni’s lawyer, the husband and wife duo didn’t honour the contract of setting up cricket academies. The case was filed in a Ranchi court against Diwakar and Das, Aarka Sports directors, under Section 406 (criminal breach of trust) and 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code.
Dhoni’s final hurrah on a cricket field?
MS Dhoni, who became the joint-most successful captain in IPL history after winning the fifth trophy as captain of Chennai Super Kings, promised that he would return in the 2024 edition to give it back to the fans who thought that it was his farewell year came in numbers across all venues in India. Dhoni was retained by CSK ahead of the 17th edition of the cash-rich league and will be looking to bid goodbye on a high. Dhoni retired from international cricket in August 2020 with his final game being the World Cup 2019 semi-final against New Zealand.