Gujarat Titans pacer Yash Dayal courted controversy on Monday (June 5) afternoon after allegedly sharing a communal message regarding ‘Love Jihad’ on his Instagram story which did not go down well with many of his followers and hence after finding himself in the line of fire – the left-arm pacer deleted his distasteful post instantly. But even before he could delete his post, screenshots were taken and now are going viral on the internet.
Dayal’s apology in his latest Instagram story read: “Guys apologies for the story it was posted by mistake plz don’t spread hate. Thank you. I have respect for each and every community in society.”
Below is the screenshot of Yash Dayal’s controversial deleted Instagram story:
This is Instagram story of Cricketer Yash Dayal.
When he got smashed by 5 sixes in 5 balls, I felt bad for him. guess I still need to learn to stop being sympathetic towards non-Muslim atheletes and celebrities. Until I know what’s in their hearts. #SadaHuaSamaaj @IrfanPathan pic.twitter.com/WXejMhz2Mn
— Jokerrr (@jokerrr2_0) June 5, 2023
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