Team India takes on Australia in its opening game of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 on Sunday, October 8. Four games have already taken place in the World Cup so far and after rain-hit warm-up games, it was a good change for the sun to shine across all four venues so far in Delhi, Dharamsala, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad. Team India, whose warm-up matches in Guwahati and Thiruvananthapuram were washed out due to rain, will be hoping for some dry weather as they face Australia in the southernmost part of India, Chennai.
Chennai, which experiences monsoon from late October to December, has seen a lot of rain in the past week and when the World Cup began, it seemed like wherever India are travelling across the length and breadth of the country, inclement weather followed them. However, it might not be the case on Sunday, October 8 if the prediction is anything to by. As per Accuweather, on Sunday, the probability of precipitation is 12 per cent at the time of the start of the match, which is 2 PM IST.
As the day progresses, the probability of rain reduces to 8 per cent which suggests that the weather may remain overcast throughout the day with the sun peeping out here or there. It has rained in the city throughout this week and there were showers on the eve of the match as well. There might be a passing shower on Sunday as well but nothing too threatening as a full 100-overs contest is on the cards.
The temperatures are set to hover around a high of 33 degrees and a low of 28 degrees as the fans hope for a cracker of a game between the two favourites for the tournament. Usually, the team winning the toss opts to bat first at Chepauk given the slow nature of the surface and despite some rain being around, it will be the case on Sunday as well.
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