India captain Harmanpreet Kaur sustained an injury scare during India’s final T20I against England women on Sunday in Mumbai. The Women in Blue fought for pride as a series whitewash loomed over Harmanpreet’s women after conceding the series in the second outing a day earlier. The Indians found enough fuel to thump the English side in the third T20I by 5 wickets.
However, the Indian camp got hit with an injury headache for a while. Captain Harmanpreet suffered an injury to her ankle in the first innings while fielding and went off the field. The incident took place in the 16th over of the first innings when Charlie Dean struck a shot and Kaur tried fielding it but tripped over it. She came out to bat despite going off the field in the latter part of the first innings. The 34-year-old Indian captain has now opened up on her injury.
Speaking to Star Sports after India’s 3rd T20I win, Harmanpreet stated that she will be fine and is used to these niggles. “I’ll be fine, used to these niggles. We have improved as a team, we always needed game time and our team showed today that we’ll keep improving with every game. Was important to hang in there and do what was required for the team. Some balls were turning and some were going straight off the spinners so there’s always a doubt in your mind as a batter. As a batting group, we wanted to pick the balls, the left-right combination also played a big role for us,” the Indian captain said after the win.
India have lost the T20I series 2-1 to England but they are scheduled to face the English side and Australia in one-off Test matches in the coming days. The team will be keeping its fingers crossed over the captain when these contests arrive. India and England women will lock horns in a one-off four-day Test from December 14 onwards. They will then take on Australian women in another four-day Test game from December 21 onwards.
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