Karnataka cricketer K Hoysala passed away after experiencing a cardiac arrest on February 22 (Thursday). The unfortunate incident occurred when he collapsed on the field during the Aegis South Zone tournament in Bengaluru. Following the collapse, Hoysala was promptly rushed to a hospital in Bengaluru. The 34-year-old cricketer was participating in a match against Tamil Nadu at RSI ground in Bengaluru when the incident occurred.
Hoysala collapsed on the field while participating in the post-match huddle as per a TOI report. The medical staff present at the venue promptly attended to him, administering CPR in an attempt to revive him. Unfortunately, the cricketer did not respond to the treatment, and he was swiftly transported to a hospital by an ambulance, where he was declared dead. The family members were informed about the incident while he was being taken to the hospital.
Dinesh Gundu Rao, the Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka, conveyed his condolences on social media, stating, “Saddened to hear about the sudden demise of Karnataka’s emerging cricketer, fast bowler K. Hoysala, during the Aegis South Zone Tournament. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends in this hour of grief. Recent incidents of youth succumbing to cardiac arrest underscore the importance of health awareness and the need for us to be vigilant about cardiac health.”
K Hoysala, a fast bowler, had previously played for Bellary Tuskers and Shivamogga Lion in the Karnataka Premier League, making a mark in the state cricketing circuit. His untimely passing has created a void in the hearts of the cricketing community.
Vikas Negi Incident In January, 2024
This incident reminds us of another distressing event that unfolded earlier in January. The cricketing community faced a tragic incident when Vikas Negi, an engineer and Uttarakhand native residing in Delhi’s Rohini, collapsed and succumbed to a heart attack during a match near the Noida Expressway Police Station in Noida. Negi, in his mid-30s, was participating in a match between Mavericks XI and Blazing Bulls in Sector 135 when the distressing incident occurred.