Karnataka’s Ranji Trophy skipper Mayank Agarwal has filed an official police complaint after he was rushed to a local hospital in Tripura’s capital Agartala due to the consumption of an alleged poisonous liquid which he assumed was water while onboard with Indigo Airlines on Tuesday (January 30).
The 32-year-old cricketer is stable and his manager has lodged an official police complaint to investigate the matter.
“Mayank Agarwal, an international cricket player. Now he is stable and his vitals are normal. But his manager has lodged a specific complaint under NCCPS (New Capital Complex Police Station) to investigate the matter,” Superintendent of Police West Tripura, Kiran Kumar, told PTI.
“His manager said that when he was sitting in the aeroplane, there was a pouch in front of him. He drank a little bit not much but suddenly there was irritation in his mouth and suddenly he couldn’t talk also and was brought to ILS hospital. He had swelling and ulcers in the mouth. Otherwise, his vitals are stable,” the cop told PTI.
Kiran Gitte, State health secretary, informed that the out-of-favour India player is likely to travel to Bengaluru on Wednesday (January 31).
“Police has admitted his complaint and we will investigate as to what happened. As per his manager, he will travel tomorrow to Bengaluru and meanwhile, whatever best treatment is available in Agartala, we will provide him,” Gitte was quoted as saying by PTI.