Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that there is a lot of potential for sports activities in Uttar Pradesh and that the efforts of the state and the Central governments can boost this sector. He also said that the MotoGP World Championship being organised in the state was a matter of great joy and that the event could help boost the automobile sector.
The Yogi Adityanath was speaking at the Business Conclave. The event was attended by representatives of domestic and multinational corporations. UP MSME Minister Rakesh Sachan and Industrial Exports Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta were also present at the event.
The Chief Minister said that over one lakh tickets had been sold for the inaugural MotoGP race in India hosted at the Buddha International Circuit (BIC). He said that more than 275 national and international brands were participating in the MotoGP event. These included names like BMW, Tissot, Michelin, Red Bull, Shell, DHL, Oakley, Amazon, and Petronas. Adityanath pointed out that the event presented immense promotional opportunities for these brands and the potential for fruitful dialogues with them.
Adityanath emphasized that the MotoGP race held substantial appeal for the global automobile industry. Bringing this event to Uttar Pradesh had the potential to attract increased investments, benefiting both the state and India as a whole.
He pointed out that Uttar Pradesh, with a population of 25 crore, boasted a significant working-age population and was one of the fastest-growing economies among Indian states. CM Adityanath said that the Buddh International Circuit, originally developed by the state government in 2011 as the host venue for Formula One Grand Prix, was now showcasing the immense potential of Uttar Pradesh through a short film.
The Chief Minister said that the Uttar Pradesh government and the Centre will establish sports facilities, including stadiums and mini-stadiums, in every district of the state. He highlighted that the development of sports facilities extended to the block level, with open gyms being created in the state’s 58,000 gram panchayats, encouraging women and youth to engage in sports.
CM Adityanath said that there was immense potential for logistics, particularly in the region where the MotoGP event took place, as it fell at the junction of two vital freight corridors—the Eastern and Western Freight Corridors.