Former India’s legendary skipper MS Dhoni was seen with renowned actor Mohanlal Viswanathan as both came together for an ad shoot. After taking retirement from international cricket, he continues to play IPL where he guided his team CSK to a fifth title earlier this year. Dhoni is currently enjoying his time away from cricket and fans often spot him driving vintage cars on the street of his hometown, Ranchi. Mohanlal on the other side is a huge name in the Malayalam film industry and apart from being an actor, he is a successful producer, playback singer, film distributor, and director.
Dhoni is one of India’s greatest-ever captains after he led the Indian team to three major ICC triumphs. Under his leadership, India won the 2007 T20 World Cup, 2011 ODI World Cup, and 2013 Champions Trophy. After seeing both Dhoni and Mohanlal together, fans could not keep calm and flooded social media with plenty of reactions. Here are a few reactions:
MS Dhoni with Mohanlal for an Ad shoot. pic.twitter.com/Ypy5eV4cgT
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) September 23, 2023
For those who are wondering which ad is this, well this is an Indigo paints advertisement. pic.twitter.com/e3HlISaRFh
— Uttkarsh Singh (@Uttupaaji) September 23, 2023
MS Dhoni with Mohanlal for an Ad shoot. pic.twitter.com/Ypy5eV4cgT
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) September 23, 2023
Legends together
— Hussain (@imhussy92) September 23, 2023
Two LEGENDS in one Frame!
— ROCKY 𝕏 (@Rocky23697) September 23, 2023
Best Captain and biggest brand of India 🇮🇳
— Mehwish (@MyWishIsUs) September 23, 2023
Dhoni captained India in a total of 332 matches which happens to be the most by a captain in international cricket. He secured victory in 178 games while his side lost 120 matches under him. Out of these 332 games, the 42-year-old made 11,207 runs in 330 innings at an average of 46.89 and a strike rate of over 76. He also collected 11 centuries and 71 fifties as a captain, with the best score of 224.