Fans at Chennai’s MA Chidambaram stadium targeted Lucknow Super Giants’ pacer Naveen-ul-Haq with Virat Kohli chants, yet again, during his team’s IPL 2023 Eliminator match against Mumbai Indians on Wednesday. No matter where Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) play, Naveen-ul-Haq is constantly teased by Virat Kohli fans, ever since his infamous on-field spat with the RCB legend during Bangalore vs Lucknow IPL fixture of May 1. A video has gone viral on social media in which fans at Chepauk can be heard chanting ‘Kohli, Kohli’ to tease the LSG pacer as he walks towards the boundary rope. However, instead of showing anger or getting agitated, Naveen, in return, came up with an equal response to provoke Virat fans even more, encouraging them to chant louder.
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Watch below viral video of Naveen-ul-Haq’s savage response to crowd teasing him with ‘Kohli, Kohli’ chants
Naveen rod today Kohli Kohli chants
credits:kolly na bois #LSGvMI #ViratKohli pic.twitter.com/X7JCoJmIce
— Avenger💫 (@AvengersReturn) May 24, 2023
It wasnt just Naveen who got targeted as LSG mentor Gautam Gambhir too teased him ‘Kohli, Kohli’ chants after his team lost against MI in the IPL Eliminator. Like Naveen, Gambhir didn’t react to the crowd with some gesture but looked relaxed and unaffected, not paying any attention to them.
Watch the viral video of fans teasing Gautam Gambhir with ‘Kohli, Kohli’ chants
God of Masses. One n only @imVkohli pic.twitter.com/4gkGOJvrQT
— Kohlified. (@123perthclassic) May 25, 2023
After Lucknow suffered a shocking 81-run loss to Mumbai in the Eliminator, Naveen, in the post-match press conference was asked about ‘the chants’, to which he came up with a shocking reply.
“I enjoy it. I like everyone on the ground chanting his (Virat Kohli) name or any other player’s name. It gives me the passion to play well for my team,” Naveen said in the presser after his remarkable bowling spell of 4/38 vs MI.
“Well I don’t concentrate on the outside or the noise from outside or anything else. I just focus on my own cricket and my own process. Crowd chanting or anyone saying something doesn’t affect me.
“As professional sportsmen, you have to take this in your stride. When you don’t do well for your team, fans are going to give it to you. And when you do good for your team, (the) same people are going to chant your name. Basically, this is part and parcel of the game,” he added.