Star India batter Virat Kohli has received a formal invitation for the ‘Pran Pratistha’ ceremony of the Ram Mandir In Ayodhya. Kohli was invited along with his wife actress Anushka Shama. The picture of the celebrity couple posing with the invitation card has gone viral on social media. The event is set to take place on January 22 (Monday).
The event is anticipated to be a grand spectacle with distinguished guests from different walks of life all set to come together on this special occasion. Other than Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni have also received a formal invitation for the ‘Pran Pratistha’ Ceremony at the Ram Mandir with Dhoni’s picture surfacing on social media on Monday.
Virat Kohli Returns To T20Is After 14 Months
Talking about Kohli, India’s prolific run-scorer recently returned to Team India’s T20 scheme of things after a period of 14 months. That hints that the management might stick to the senior duo of Kohli and Rohit Sharma for the T20 World Cup set to be played in USA and West Indies in June this year. While Rohit is yet to score a run in the series, Kohli opted out of the Afghanistan series opener but played a great little cameor worth 29 off 16 in the Indore T20I on Sunday (January 14), which could well be the attacking template that he might have been asked to fit into, come the T20 World Cup. India have bagged the three-match series with a match to go, having won each of the first two T20Is.
As far as Anushka’s professional life is concerned, she was last seen as a leading actor in a Hindi movie in 2018. While she has worked in the much-anticipated film ‘Chakda ‘Xpress’ which happens to be the biopic of India’s legendary women’s cricket star Jhulan Goswami, a release date of the project which marks Anushka’s Over-the-top (OTT) debut has not yet been confirmed.