Mumbai Indians (MI) star Suryakumar Yadav played a hilarious prank on fellow teammate Tilak Verma in flight. In a video posted by the official Twitter handle of Mumbai Indians, Yadav can be seen asking the air hostess for a lemon and then squeezed it in Tilak Varma’s mouth when the latter was having a peaceful nap. A startled Varma woke up confused and asked , “Kya hai is mein (What is this).” “Chain se sona hai toh jaag jao,” MI captioned the hilarious video on Twitter.
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Watch viral video of Suryakumar Yadav’s hilarious prank on Tilak Varma
Chain se sona hai toh jaag jao #OneFamily #MumbaiMeriJaan #MumbaiIndians #IPL2023 #TATAIPL @surya_14kumar @TilakV9 MI TV pic.twitter.com/1SjiJtSSx7
— Mumbai Indians (@mipaltan) May 25, 2023
Mumbai Indians crush Lucknow Super Giants to qualify for IPL 2023 Qualifier 2
On Wednesday (May 24), Rohit Sharma-led Mumbai Indians defeated Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) by 81 runs in IPL 2023 Eliminator, setting up IPL 2023 Qualifier 2 clash against Gujarat Titans. The losing side in Qualifier 2 will be knocked out of the tournament, while the winner will take on Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in IPL 2023 Final. Batting first, Mumbai Indians put a solid 183-run target for Lucknow in first innings. While Aussie star Camron Green played a gritty 41-run innings, Suryakumar Yadav (33) and Tilak Varma (26) provided important contributions, helping MI post a respectable total.
In reply, Lucknow’s explosive batting lineup flopped against uncapped Indian pacer Akash Madhwal’s incredible pace bowling (3.3-0-5-5) and some terrific ground fielding. Gautam Gambhir mentored Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) lost all their 10 wickets for a paltry 101 in 16.3 overs.
Reflecting on the win, Rohit said: “People did not expect us to do certain things but we’ve come out of all obstacles and managed our way through to get what we wanted. People did not expect us to do certain things but we’ve come out of all obstacles and managed our way through to get what we wanted. Yes it was a scrappy one but I will take it.”