India’s Neeraj Chopra added another historic milestone in his athletics legacy as the star Javelin thrower clinched the Gold medal at the World Athletics Championships on Sunday in Budapest. The 2021 Olympics Champion Chopra took the coveted Gold with a throw of 88.17m, beating Arshad Nadeem yet again as the Pakistan star took the Silver with a throw of 87.82. Chopra became the first Indian to win a Gold in the competition.
Meanwhile, the 25-year-old displayed a class act after the final. When the event was completed and the medal winners were confirmed, Chopra and the Bronze winner Jakub Vadlejch from the Czech Republic posed for the cameras with their national flags. Nadeem was not in the frame but his Indian counterpart called the Silver medallist for a picture. Moreover, the 26-year-old from Pakistan was seen without his country flag and shared the frame with Chopra with the Indian flag. A video of the same has gone viral on social media.
Chopra created historic feats
The Olympic Champion Chopra became the first Indian to win a Gold medal at the World Athletics Championships. He settled for a Silver in the last edition when Anderson Peters edged past the Indian. Chopra has become the only double medallist from his country in the competition. Moreover, he joins two more elusive clubs. The 25-year-old is the only third Javelin thrower in the world to hold an Olympic gold and a Worlds Gold at the same time. Only the Czech Republic’s iconic Jan Zelezny and Norway’s Andreas Thorkildsen have held the two honours at the same time.
Also, Chopra is the second Indian to hold an Olympic Gold and the top medal in any World Championships. Before him, Abhinav Bindra was the only Indian to have a Gold at both the Olympics and the Shooting World Championships.
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